

Get Adobe Flash player

WSAD & mouse click , ~8MB, startup takes time!

			"up": Key.W, Key.UP
			"down": Key.S, Key.DOWN
			"left": Key.A, Key.LEFT
			"right": Key.D, Key.RIGHT
			"talk2": Key.T
			"teleport": Key.R
			"toggle_crouch": Key.CONTROL
			"toggle_crouch": Key.CONTROL
			"attack": Key.Z
			"death": Key.X
			"blood_splatter": Key.C
			"sprite_splatter": Key.V
			"jump": Key.SPACE
			"speedrun": Key.SHIFT
			"next": Key.SPACE, Key.ENTER
			"exit": Key.ESCAPE
			"pause": Key.P

			"toggle_console": Key.F1
			"toggle_speechballoon": Key.F3
			"respawn": Key.F4
			"nextlevel": Key.F7
			"save": Key.F8
			"load": Key.F9
			"toggle_fullscreen": Key.F12
			"simpleprofiler_trace": Key.L
			"save_a": Key.DIGIT_1
			"save_b": Key.DIGIT_2
			"save_c": Key.DIGIT_3
			"save_d": Key.DIGIT_4
			"test_text": Key.DIGIT_5
			"add_wizard": Key.DIGIT_6
			"add_wolf": Key.DIGIT_7
			"add_dwarf": Key.DIGIT_8
			"add_zombie": Key.DIGIT_9
			"add_warlock": Key.DIGIT_0
			"calculcate_bbox": Key.B
			"optimize_path": Key.SHIFT
			"shift": Key.SHIFT
			"pathfinder_draw": Key.O
			"draw_quadtree": Key.Q
			"draw_actor_details": Key.U
			"draw_hitbox": Key.H
			"zoom_out": Key.NUMPAD_SUBTRACT
			"zoom_in": Key.NUMPAD_ADD
			"player_venom": Key.N

WIP, rev. 175


The Beast is an upcoming flash video game. Set in fatasy world you are a runaway who lost his daugther in a forest. This retro-style action adventure offers both dynamic combat and non-linear story driven by NPC conversations.

very brief devlog: